The Types of Pipe Joint

Threaded Joint(螺纹连接)
Soldering Joint(焊接)
Brazed Joint(钎焊黄铜链接)
Compression Joint(压缩街头)
Flanged Joint(法兰)
Grooved Joint(沟槽)
Socket Welded Joint(承插焊接)
Butt Welded Joint(对焊)

Socket or a Coupler Joint
Nipple Joint(对丝直接)
Union Joint(活接)
Spigot and Socket Joint(承插)
Expansion Joint(伸缩接)Exhaust Flex Joint
Flanged Joint(法兰连接)
Hydraulic Pipe Joint(类沟槽连接)

Gao Yushan 发布于 2023-12-10 19:57














Gao Yushan 发布于 2023-12-4 12:27


由于工作原因,我一直使用英文版的windows系统。但文件名包含中文字体显示不正常忽大忽小。 后来发现是因为在英文版本的 windows 中,日文、韩文和繁体中文字体显示优先级高于简体中文字体,所以才造成了这个问题。

  1. 备份注册表 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink
  2. 找到Segoe UI>Modify>把下边这两行字体放到最前边

MSYH.TTC,Microsoft YaHei UI,128,96
MSYH.TTC,Microsoft YaHei UI

  1. 重启


  1. 备份注册表 Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
  2. 删除 Microsoft JhengHei (繁中)开头的3个键、Malgun(韩文)开头的3个键和 Yu Gothic(日文) 开头的4个键
  3. 重启

Value name: Value data
Malgun Gothic (TrueType):malgun.ttf
Malgun Gothic Bold (TrueType):malgunbd.ttf
Malgun Gothic SemiLight (TrueType):malgunsl.ttf

Microsoft JhengHei & Microsoft JhengHei UI (TrueType):msjh.ttc
Microsoft JhengHei Bold & Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold (TrueType):msjhbd.ttc
Microsoft JhengHei Light & Microsoft JhengHei UI Light (TrueType):msjhl.ttc

Yu Gothic Bold & Yu Gothic UI Semibold & Yu Gothic UI Bold (TrueType):YuGothB.ttc
Yu Gothic Light & Yu Gothic UI Light (TrueType):YuGothL.ttc
Yu Gothic Medium & Yu Gothic UI Regular (TrueType):YuGothM.ttc
Yu Gothic Regular & Yu Gothic UI Semilight (TrueType):YuGothR.ttc

Gao Yushan 发布于 2023-11-11 03:44


bush 起减少摩擦作用,会跟轴有运动关系
mount 起结构作用
grommet 是保护作用,嵌在被保护的薄层材料内
gasket 和 washer 区别在于功能,前者是密封用,后者是紧固用

Gao Yushan 发布于 2023-10-17 13:12

Washers vs Gaskets: What’s the Difference?

Many people assume that washers and gaskets are the same. After all, they both consist of a similar design, and they are both used in conjunction with other objects. While they may look similar, though, washers and gaskets serve completely different purposes. For a better understanding of washers and gaskets, including how they differ, keep reading.

What Is a Washer?

A washer is a type of disc-shaped fastener with a hole in the center. They are typically used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener, such as a bolt. You can slide a bolt through the hollow center of a washer, after which you can twist or otherwise install the bolt on an object. The washer will then distribute the bolt’s load across its disc-shaped surface.

Common types of washers include the following:

  • Plain washers
  • Spring washers
  • Locking washers
  • Torque washers
  • Cupped washers
  • Toothed washers
  • Tab washers
  • Wedge lock washers

What Is a Gasket?

A gasket is a sealing device that’s used to prevent leaks around the mating surface where two or more objects meet. They typically aren’t used with fasteners. Rather, gaskets are used with machines and machinery components. Gaskets are designed to prevent substances from leaking around the mating surface of various objects. Machines often have passages through which air, oil, coolant or other fluids and gases travel. The mating surfaces between these passages are equipped with a gasket to prevent them from leaking.

Common types of gaskets include the following:

  • Spiral-wound gaskets
  • Constant seating gaskets
  • Flange gaskets
  • Soft-cut gaskets

Differences Between Washers and Gaskets

Washers and gaskets are the same. Washers are used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener, whereas gaskets are used to prevent leaks around mating surfaces. Most washers won’t prevent fluids or gases from leaking; they will only distribute the load of the fastener with which they are used. For sealing applications, you’ll need to use a gasket.

The size and shape of washers also differ from that of gaskets. Most types of washers consist of a uniform circular shape. This circular shape allows them to fit into bolts. They are also relatively small as well. Washers must be small enough to accommodate a bolt. Gaskets aren’t used with bolts. Therefore, they are available in a wider range of sizes and shapes.

Both washers and gaskets are available in different materials. With that said, washers are almost always made of metal. You can find them in aluminum, carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, brass and more. In comparison, gaskets are available in metals and metal alloys as well as rubber and other synthetic materials.

Gao Yushan 发布于 2023-10-17 13:08