老人与海 词汇表
海明威的《老人与海》:字数 27394个单词。其中:前所用次数最多的前20个单词是:the / and / he / of / I / it / to / his / was / a / in / man / that / old / fish / but / him / on / with / had 合计10875。占总字数的39.7%。按文中出现的先后...
Gao Yushan 发布于
yeh: you
ter: to
fer: for
yer: your
an': and
abou': about
nothin': nothing
mighta: might have
summat: something
o' course: of course
gettin': getting
jis': just
Gao Yushan 发布于
Gao Yushan 发布于
techinical bid analysis/technical bid evaluation;技术标评标.
commercial bid analysis/commercial bid evaluation.商务标评标.
Gao Yushan 发布于
Difference between WPS and PQR
WPS and PQR are mandatory documents when welding needs to comply with a standard. Both documents are closely related but quite different. The PQR is a standard document, but users ...
Gao Yushan 发布于