

Gao Yushan 发布于 2008-5-6 23:32

Excel 显示公式本身文字不显示公式的计算结果,解决办法


Gao Yushan 发布于 2008-5-6 23:25

Gao Yushan 发布于 2008-4-7 11:58

EPC or EPCM contracts?

EPC or EPCM? When it comes to contract strategies for major projects, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) and Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management (EPCM) style contracts are two of the key options, but which one provides better outcomes for project owners?

Gao Yushan 发布于 2008-3-22 09:41

Entire Contract and Severability

What Is Entire Contract?
不可分契约 指契约的对价对于双方当事人皆不可分,任何一方对于承诺的完全履行是另一方履行其任何一部分承诺的前提条件。与之相对的是可分契约〔severable contract〕。
What Is Severability?
Severability, also known by the Latin term "salvatorius," is a provision in a piece of legislation or a contract that allows the remainder of the legislation’s or contract’s terms to remain effective, even if one or more of its other terms or provisions are found to be unenforceable or illegal.

Gao Yushan 发布于 2007-3-5 15:27