Unit 11 Roofing Works Part two Construction of Main Frame


Gao Yushan 发布于 2012-4-11 15:41

Unit 10 Quality Control Part two Construction of Main Frame


Gao Yushan 发布于 2012-4-11 15:40

灭火器Fire Extinguishers Part two Construction of Main Frame

灭火器Fire Extinguishers
灭火器为加压的容器,设计用于火灾初始阶段的扑救。灭火器内部压力是 为了排出灭火剂,对火灾进行窒息、冷却或化学干预;或者是联合利用 其中两个或以上功效消灭火灾。
A fire extinguisher is a pressurized vessel designed to attack a fire in the early stage. Pressure inside the extinguisher is used to expel the extinguishant, which will smother, cool or chemically interfere with the fire; or fight the fire by combining two or more of these effects.
There are four types of portable extinguishers normally found on board and they are:
1.泡沫灭火器 Foam extinguishers
2.二氧化碳灭火器 CO2 extinguishers
3.化学干粉灭火器Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) extinguishers
4.清水灭火器Water extinguishers

Gao Yushan 发布于 2012-4-11 15:40

日常练习课 Part two Construction of Main Frame


Gao Yushan 发布于 2012-4-11 15:38